for the purpose of a symbiosis of nature, art and sound visuals have been created that represent an analogue interactiveness on sound and lightning.
W/BEN Meerwein
Sound & Lightning
In your glittering waves I drown...
And I drink you, o sea of light!
Light, I devour you!
Alexander Skrjabin
Lecture + Soundwalk:
Following the lecture, a soundwalk took place in the nearby nature reserve of the Wehrmühle Biesenthal. Herefor 4 musicians of a string quartet positioned themselves in the landscape, playing fragments of Alexander Skrjabin's compositions. Deep Listening: With some simple exercises inspired by Pauline Olivero's "Deep Listening", contemplative listening was introduced. By walking slowly and silently, the mind calmed down. Sounds of nature mingled with the sounds of the string instruments, while the musicians appeared here and there at different points in the landscape - like apparitions from another space and time. At the end of the soundwalk, the string players were finally heard and seen playing together for the first time. The fragments merged to complete compositions.
Printed Flyer and Poster with the essentials of particles of the material itself merging into graphical components.
for the purpose of a symbiosis of nature, art and sound visuals have been created that represent an analogue interactiveness on sound and lightning.
W/BEN Meerwein
In your glittering waves I drown...
And I drink you, o sea of light!
Light, I devour you!
Alexander Skrjabin
Lecture + Soundwalk:
Following the lecture, a soundwalk took place in the nearby nature reserve of the Wehrmühle Biesenthal. Herefor 4 musicians of a string quartet positioned themselves in the landscape, playing fragments of Alexander Skrjabin's compositions. Deep Listening: With some simple exercises inspired by Pauline Olivero's "Deep Listening", contemplative listening was introduced. By walking slowly and silently, the mind calmed down. Sounds of nature mingled with the sounds of the string instruments, while the musicians appeared here and there at different points in the landscape - like apparitions from another space and time. At the end of the soundwalk, the string players were finally heard and seen playing together for the first time. The fragments merged to complete compositions.
Printed Flyer and Poster with the essentials of particles of the material itself merging into graphical components.