MEtamorphorical visuals w/xaver hirsch
AV Performance
A research on insects life creating an artistic ritual combined in an audiovisual performance as well as an insect research.
Based on the research of finding a visual interpretation on the process of metamorphosis a visual has been developed that reminds ourselves of the shape of a cocoon. With the graphic side set a visual world has been created in Unity that leads us through a first impression of the performance piece. Together with @xaverhirsch
Metamorphosis project with:
@symbioticlab_ @xaverhirsch @ben_meerwein @jkukula @leoni504 & Esteban Menares
MEtamorphorical visuals w/xaver hirsch
A research on insects life creating an artistic ritual combined in an audiovisual performance as well as an insect research.
Based on the research of finding a visual interpretation on the process of metamorphosis a visual has been developed that reminds ourselves of the shape of a cocoon. With the graphic side set a visual world has been created in Unity that leads us through a first impression of the performance piece. Together with @xaverhirsch
Metamorphosis project with:
@symbioticlab_ @xaverhirsch @ben_meerwein @jkukula @leoni504 & Esteban Menares